Friday, 19 March 2010

Alice in Wonderland

I went to see Alice last Saturday at the IMAX in 3D. The 3D was good for the chasing sections - although it made this viewer feel a bit queasy, given the overwhelming and inescapable size of the screen - but seemed rather pointless for most of it (unlike in Avatar, which really did suit the 3D throughout). I suspect that - again, unlike Avatar - it would be just as good, and possibly better, in the standard two dimensions.

Technology aside, the plot is far too much standard Hollywood goodie/baddie fare and the general tone not nearly whimsical enough. I may not be familiar enough with Through the Looking-Glass to pick up all the references to the original - the film is based on aspects of both books - but the Wonderland sections were disappointingly straight, failing to convey the lovely absurdity of the books.

Some of the various star turns were better than others. Alan Rickman's caterpillar worked well, although Matt Lucas' delivery of the Tweedles' lines was a bit poor. However, Mia Wasikowska was charming as Alice. Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham-Carter were exactly what you'd expect from a Tim Burton film. I admit I'm not much of a Burton fan at the best of times, and those who are may have more positive views on Alice.

My verdict: it's OK at best, and just about worth seeing if you've already seen everything interesting that's currently showing.

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